Fine Gael MEP Maria Walsh welcomes Party members to the West of Ireland as the Fine Gael Ard Fheis takes place in Galway today.
Speaking at the Ard Fheis this evening, MEP Walsh is expected to say:
“The transition from Rose of Tralee to MEP was not the most traditional route into politics, but after five years of fighting for the West of Ireland in Europe, I have a strong track record to share.
“Over the past five years, I have delivered legislation which ensures that Irish women receive the same pay as their male colleagues.
“As a farmer myself, I have protected the incomes of our young farmers, of our female farmers, and crucially, of our hard-working family farmers.
“And finally, I have demanded a ceasefire in Gaza at every possible opportunity and have been proud to support our Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s strong leadership on this issue in Europe.”
Speaking about the positive impact of the EU on Galway, MEP Walsh will say:
“European funding is crucial to our top-class education and research; over €100 million has been awarded to University of Galway researchers over the last seven years by the EU.
“Thanks to this investment, one of the world’s top medical device research centres exists on the University campus. CÚRAM has received over €58 million in funding from the EU, investment which supports Galway’s booming biomedical industry that has transformed the economy and livelihoods of this region.”