MEP Walsh will lead on agriculture policy for Fine Gael in Europe
Maria Walsh MEP is to be appointed to the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (AGRI) for the 2024-2029 term, leading on agriculture policy for Fine Gael in Europe.
Maria Walsh MEP will also be appointed to the Regional Development (REGI) and Justice & Home Affairs (LIBE) committees. MEP Walsh will serve as a full member of the Agriculture Committee, and will be a substitute member of the Regional Development and Justice & Home Affairs committees.
Maria Walsh, MEP for Midlands-North West, said:
“I’m looking forward to working with colleagues on the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee. Agriculture is the bedrock of our communities and rural economies, with European policy dictating the incomes and businesses of thousands of farm families across Ireland.
“Having a seat at the decision-making table will ensure that I am at the forefront of the EU’s agriculture agenda over the next five years – the voices of Irish farmers will be heard loud and clear. We need serious politicians who will work, and not just talk, representing our farming communities in Europe.
“Joining the Agriculture Committee was my number one priority and through this appointment, I will be leading on agriculture policy and legislation for the Fine Gael delegation in Europe. This work will be particularly important as we approach the renegotiation of the Common Agricultural Policy in 2027.
“My priorities for the renegotiation will include increasing funding available to farm families to scale their businesses. It’s also vital our agri-tech and agri-tourism businesses are supported with funding in the negotiations.
“Outside of the CAP renegotiation, I will continue my work helping our female farmers and young farmers. Land accessibility and strong succession planning to secure the next generation of farmers, as well as protecting fair prices for Irish farmers, will be key priorities of mine.”
Discussing her other priorities for the upcoming term, MEP Walsh said:
“My appointment to the Regional Development Committee will allow me to oversee EU funding distribution, giving me the platform to ensure we receive our fair share of European investment. Securing EU Just Transition funding for the Midlands-North West, as well as support for infrastructure projects across rural Ireland such as the Western Rail Corridor, will be two key priorities of mine.
“I look forward to continuing my work on the Justice & Home Affairs Committee, which will play a vital role in the implementation of the EU Migration Pact as it is rolled out in member states over the coming two years.”