European Committee backs proposals from MEP Walsh on protection of journalists outside the EU

MEP Maria Walsh authored report for Culture and Education Committee outlining five key priorities for media protection, freedom and pluralism Midlands-North-West MEP Maria Walsh has, this morning, received unanimous support from the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) for her proposals around the protection of journalists outside the EU, and freedom of expression […]

MEP Walsh’s legislation in Brussels is putting money back in Irish women’s pockets

Maria Walsh mental-health-wellbeing

This afternoon’s vote brings 27 EU countries a step closer to ending the gender pay gap for once and for all The European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) has, this afternoon, voted to approve the long-awaited European Union-wide Pay Transparency Directive. Today’s vote […]

Political integrity cannot exist without total transparency and accountability – MEP Maria Walsh

A Transparency Register and rules for lobbying are crucial in safeguarding the integrity of the public decision-making process in the European Parliament Political integrity cannot exist without total transparency and accountability. That was the message delivered by MEP Maria Walsh when she addressed a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg yesterday evening (Wednesday). […]