Strasbourg, 8 February 2024 – Today, the European Parliament has voted on the Implementation report on the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy for the 2020–2025 period. In the report, the MEPs call for a reinforced mandate of the Equality and Diversity Commissioner, with a strong focus on the rights of LGBTIQ+ persons, as well a new LGBTIQ strategy after 2025.
The report also calls on the inclusion of all the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics in the EU anti-discrimination legislation. It highlights that the EU needs to take a common approach for recognising same sex marriages and partnerships, as well as to further the work done on Rainbow families, in line with CJEU and ECtHR case law. Harmful practicies, conversion therapies and intersex genital mutilations need to be banned – MEPs reiterate.
MEP Kim van Sparrentak (Greens-EFA), Co-Chair of the LGBTI Intergroup, comments:
“In order to counter the far-right narratives against LGBTIQ+ persons and increasing scapegoating of our community, we need strong legislations, such as the horizontal anti-discrimination directive that has been blocked in the Council since 2008. Across the political groups, we are sending a clear signal that we will continue our fight for better legislation and its implementation, until they are in place. We will continue our work until Four Freedoms of the EU are exercised by each and every person and until everyone’s rights are fully respected.”
MEP Marc Angel (S&D Group), Co-Chair of the LGBTI Intergroup, concludes:
“Harmful practices have no place in our Union of Equality. With this vote, the European Parliament took a firm stance to protect LGBTIQ+ people and defend European values. We are very proud of this report, as it shows support to all those who are marginalised and attacked because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics. We all deserve to live freely, equally and in diversity.”
Want to know more? Contact:
Petra Kurtovic (she/her), Secretary-General of the LGBTI Intergroup
Lowie Kok (he/him), Office of MEP Kim van Sparrentak ([email protected])
Daniel Constantinides (he/him), Office of MEP Marc Angel ([email protected])