MEP Maria Walsh: 3-Month Update Following Re-election

It’s hard to believe it’s already been over three months since I was re-elected as your Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Midlands North-West! Time has flown by, and I’ve been busy working hard to ensure your voices are heard here in Brussels. Here’s a quick update on what we’ve been up to and the exciting progress we’ve made so far.

A Voice for Irish Farmers on the Agriculture Committee

As many of you know, I grew up on a small farm in the west of Ireland, so agriculture is something I’m deeply passionate about. I’m thrilled to have secured a full seat on the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.

Why this matters:

  • Agriculture isn’t just an industry—it’s the heart of our rural communities and a major pillar of our economy.
  • The EU plays a significant role in supporting farm families across Ireland, and having a strong voice is critical.

Recently, we presented the Strategic Dialogue Report at the EU level, which gathered insights from stakeholders across the 27 member states.

Key takeaway:

  • The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is long overdue for an overhaul. Small farmers have been left behind, and I fully support reforms to ensure they receive fairer support.

Our farm families deserve their fair share, and I’ll continue to champion these changes!

Driving Investment for Our Region

I’ve also taken a seat on the Regional Development Committee. This committee oversees how EU funds are distributed.

What this means for you:

  • I’m working to ensure our region gets the investment it deserves.
  • Securing fair and effective funding will boost our local economies.

Pushing for Justice and Online Safety

In addition to my work in agriculture, I’m continuing on the Justice Committee, which focuses on equality, migration, and the rule of law.

A key focus for me right now:

  • Collaborating with Ireland’s candidate for the European Commission, Michael McGrath, who’s been nominated to lead the justice portfolio.
  • I aim to push forward Coco’s Law, a vital piece of legislation to protect internet users across Europe. Keeping people safe online is a growing concern and a cause close to my heart.

Mental Health: Still on the Agenda

Mental health remains one of my top priorities, and I’m dedicated to making sure it stays on the EU’s radar.

Current efforts:

  • I’m setting up a Mental Health Intergroup within the Parliament to ensure this issue gets the attention it deserves across all policy areas.
  • Mental health impacts everyone, and it’s time we give it the recognition it needs at every level of government.

Looking Ahead

As we prepare for the new European Commission and the wave of new legislation that will come with it, now is the time to make our priorities clear.

There’s a lot of work ahead, but I’m energised and ready to fight for the issues that matter most to you.