Door is open in Brussels for West of Ireland businesses – MEP Maria Walsh

During a recent visit to the European Parliament in Brussels, doors were opened for Irish businesses from across the Midlands-North West constituency, MEP Maria Walsh has said.  MEP Walsh hosted a group of business owners from across the West of Ireland in the European Parliament where they discussed the resources and supports available to Irish […]

Additional funding for tillage sector a much needed first step – MEP Maria Walsh

Additional funding for the tillage sector of €100/ha is a much needed first step to support tillage farmers through a difficult period, MEP Maria Walsh has said. With almost 10,000 farms across Ireland growing crops, the tillage sector is a vital part of Irish agriculture. Maria Walsh, MEP for Midlands-North West said:  “I welcome confirmation […]

MEP Maria Walsh welcomes the Fine Gael Ard Fheis to Galway City

Fine Gael MEP Maria Walsh welcomes Party members to the West of Ireland as the Fine Gael Ard Fheis takes place in Galway today.  Speaking at the Ard Fheis this evening, MEP Walsh is expected to say:  “The transition from Rose of Tralee to MEP was not the most traditional route into politics, but after […]